Exhibit of artwork by French draftsman-filmmaker opens at La Cúpula

An exhibit of work by Pierre Desfons is opening today Jan. 4 at La Cúpula Cultural Center in Merida.

Desfons combines his career as a draftsman with that of director. Thus, he directed nearly one hundred broadcasts and documentaries for television, especially in the area of ​​art and architecture.

Among his credits are two adaptations of the exhibitions at the Center Pompidou “Paris Berlin” and “Paris New York” He has won the Grand Prize of Architecture Film for the section “A meal at Bauhaus” and “The Last Chess Games of Marcel Duchamp” in collaboration with Hubert Damisch, Jean-François Lyotard and Jean Clair, a film that won the First Prize in Art Film “Life and Death of the Image “, inspired by the work of Regis Debray.

In his artistic production, Desfons has remained faithful to the poetic and transgressive spirit in which he was immersed for years, frequenting the “College of Pataphysics, Society of Erudition and Useless Research”, which had people like Jacques Prévert, Raymond Queneau, Boris Vian and Umberto Echo.

His work has been exhibited internationally in galleries, museums and festivals, including a-part in France.

Source: La Cúpula

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