INAH urges reporting of vandalism of historic sites

The head of INAH’s Legal Department points out that acts such as the painting of cannons, bastions, and walls of the Historic Center are considered as vandalism…//

IN THE FIRST FIVE MONTHS OF THE YEAR, the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) has received about 14 reports of destruction or looting in archaeological sites, which have been turned over to the Attorney General’s Office (PGR), the head of the Legal Department, Jorge Aguilar Montero, announced.

In regard to archaeological sites, in 2017 there were 10 complaints. Of the 14 that reports so far in 2018, four are for looting and destruction, which are being investigated; and the other 10 for different topics, such as vandalism in historical sites. There is no complaint on the subject of historical monuments.


“We ask the public that if you know of any act of looting or destruction of archaeological sites, report it to the appropriate authorities to give notice to the PGR,” he said.

Aguilar Montero took advantage of the space to point out that acts such as the painting of cannons, bastions, or walls in the historic center are considered vandalism. Besides being considered a crime, it damages the property that requires a complicated restoration process.

Text and photo: Courtesy

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