Millions of dollars destined to boost Yucatan tourism during World Cup

State government and the hotel sector make an $85 million peso ($4.2 million USD) investment to promote Yucatan as a tourist destination…//

Before the upcoming holiday period, state government and the hotel sector will invest about 85 million pesos for the dissemination of the State as a tourist destination during the World Cup, as well as other activities that will allow a greater flow of visitors, said  the now ex-president of the Tourist Business Council (Cetur), Jorge Escalante Bolio.

Of the total resources, about 45 million pesos correspond to the state’s Promotion Trust, result of three percent on the Hotel Tax, and the other 40 million pesos to a direct contribution made by the state administration about two weeks ago.

It should be noted that, of the amount collected through the hoteliers, 50% will be destined to promote the International Convention Center of Yucatan (CIC) Powered by Samsung.

In an interview for Punto Medio, Escalante Bolio detailed that the resource of the trust has a very punctual schedule on the part of the Secretariat of Tourist Promotion (Sefotur), which was approved with some changes and modifications, but with the final aim of tourism promotion.

The additional amount of 40 million pesos, he said, will promote the attractions of the entity during the World Cup through sports, family and cultural channels, and thus cover the three sectors that are important tourism niches.

“In the remainder of the year, there are already established promotion programs that are carried out: support to airlines with new flights and the new trust of the International Congress Center will capture 50% of that resource, which finally It’s the same, because it’s in the entity,” he explained.

Escalante reiterated that events such as the Half Marathon Rock n ‘Roll Mérida and the Rally Maya Mexico will remain, “unless there were unforeseen situations, but all the programs that were considered since the beginning of the year are being carried out.”

Text: Jesús Gómez

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