Gov.-elect Vila takes measures to promote women’s rights in Yucatan

He ratified his commitment to increase the presence of women in his Cabinet…//
Yucatan Governor-elect Mauricio Vila Dosal held a meeting with women’s organizations, in which he reaffirmed his commitment to promote the agenda of Equality between Women and Men in the state, as well as follow up on the recommendations that emerged from the request of the Gender Violence Alert against Women in the State of Yucatan.

Vila Dosal, met with various organizations to discuss the issue of the rights and protection and integrity of the women of Yucatan, an act that stood out for the representation and profile of the more than 45 women representing academia, business, gender leaders and representatives of civil society.

Before them, Vila Dosal also announced the creation of the Secretariat of Women, a unit that will promote major actions in favor of gender equality in the municipalities of the entity.

This secretariat will contribute to the legislative agenda in favor of women and establish protocols in these municipalities on prevention, safety and health care in the interior of the state.

Vila also ratified his commitment to increase the presence of women in the highest positions in the structure of the Government Cabinet.

“In this conformation I am basing myself on the profiles and capacities that are required in each position and in no other element. There is a huge capacity in Yucatecan women and this will be reflected in the integration of my Cabinet,” he said.

Regarding the follow-up to the recommendations that emerged from the request of the Gender Violence Alert against Women in the State of Yucatan, Vila referred to the design and implementation of a professionalization program in the area of ​​human rights and women’s rights.

He wants to strengthen and integrate the State Data and Information Bank on cases of violence against women; design and implement a model of attention to victims of violence; strengthen public policy aimed at protecting the rights of children and adolescents; promote legal changes for equality, full respect for women’s rights and the prevention, elimination and punishment of cases of violence; better mechanisms to guarantee access to justice for women victims of violence; promote a communication strategy with a gender perspective; so cases of feminicide and intentional homicide of women are investigated and resolved with due diligence.

Vila reaffirmed his commitment to lead a government where the safety of women is the priority while open to dialogue with specialists in the field and civil society organizations, to carry out the most appropriate actions to deal with this problem.

“I reiterate my willingness to dialogue and to listen to opinions with the different sectors involved in the issue so that together we can make the best decisions.”

Active participation of the assistants

During the forum many representatives welcomed the initiatives as a whole and also expressed their views from approaches that included cultural equality, identity, human and political rights, business empowerment, training and even the topic of attention to the health of women and the Mayan people, among others.

María Teresa Vázquez Baqueiro, from Codhey highlighted the diversity of the women attending and invited them to work together and without protagonism. The representatives supported the invitation and congratulated the creation of the Women’s Secretariat.

Mercedes Noh Díaz, of the Women’s Network for Peer Democracy, asked to work with the Governor-Elect and agreed with Vila on the need to ensure that the distribution of support is without partisan shades.

For her part, Lucero Cabrales, National President of AMEXME, proposed places for dialogue to avoid violence and Paula Pech Puc, from “Ajal-Lol”, indicated to the Governor-Elect that they want to be his allies to solve women’s problems and asked that he always take them into account.

At the same time, Leticia Paredes Guerrero, gender coordinator of the Uady, took the floor to emphasize the need for joint work on this issue.


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