Yucatan archives safeguard more than 300 years of peninsular history

The General State Archives is 73 years old and celebrates its anniversary with two new exhibitions…//

With more than 20 million pieces, the General Archive of the State of Yucatán (Agey) has become, during its 73 years of life, the guardian of more than three centuries of peninsular history.

To celebrate another anniversary, the director of the Agey, Antonio Sosa Mendoza, inaugurated an exhibition of 18 documents, as well as photographs of those who have headed it, as well as a discussion that included the participation of its staff.

Before the Secretary of Public Works, Daniel Quintal Ic, the undersecretary of Social Development and Religious Affairs, Carlos Carrillo Paredes, and the former Agey head, Piedad Peniche Rivero, Sosa Mendoza thanked the workers for their dedication to protect the history of Yucatan and of the region.

“Today, the General Archive not only protects the history of the state, but also of the Yucatan Peninsula, and that is of great pride for the wealth we have,” said the official.

During a tour of the exhibition carried out by Lizzete Pat Ciau, historian and administrative analyst of the archieves, it was mentioned that the documentary collection of Rita Cetina Gutiérrez is of particular origin. The objective of the exhibition is to appreciate the valuable heritage that makes the Archive a national benchmark.

Later, Ángel Silveira Cauich recalled how the Agey was born in May 1944 from a wine cellar in the Government Palace; at that time, Governor Ernesto Novelo Torres appointed Juan de Dios Pérez Galaz the task of organizing those files from the three branches and municipalities of the entity. Finally, on July 31, 1945, Novelo Torres issued the decree of its creation.

Silveira Cauich and specialist Ernesto Aké Ciau said that over the course of 73 years, multiple efforts have been made to order the collection, as well as to make it available to the general public, an activity that continues to advance day by day. During this period, its staff has classified and cataloged it for dissemination.

In the talk, Aké Ciau gave several examples of the consultation they receive on a daily basis, highlighting multiple local, national and international researchers, as well as the citizens of the interior of the territory, mostly Mayan speakers, all attended to with sensitivity and empathy in their search for information.

For their part, Karla Castillo Canché and Mauricio Dzul Sánchez stressed that they feel optimistic about the publication of the General Law of Archives, on June 15, and emphasized the staff that remains enthusiastic with their preparation to face the challenges that raises the new paradigm in the field, especially with regard to training on document management in public institutions.

The new exhibition is open with free admittance until August 15, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., at 86th street number 499-B of the Center, in the interior complex of the General Hospital “Doctor Agustín O ‘Horán. ”

Text and photos: Courtesy

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